The Lonely Badger; A curious story
Copy: Duncan Clark
Design + illustration: Shakira Twigden

Ferment is a London based fermentory that specialises in Koji ferments – primarily, Miso, Soy Sauce, Shio Koji & Koji Rice/Flour. The products are hand crafted in small batches using the best local ingredients available.
In a relatively new category to London we wanted to give Ferment it’s own point of view. Leaning into a bold and bright brand world that was as unapologetic as its funky flavours.
Koji fermentation is a process that creates pungent, intense and complex flavours, we wanted to use the grains that start this process (rice, soy beans and pearl barley) as the foundation for Ferment’s visual language.
Combining the organic quality of these ingredients with a playful bright colour palette and expressive photography to land this new brand on the shelves.

A visual reflection of getting through the shit show that was the Covid-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom.

We made a unusual, premium and sophisticated world that the Little Moons could live and float in. By leaning into their colour palette we were able to really bring the product and boxes to life.
Agency: Lucky Generals
Head of Design: Jim Bletas
Design Director: Shakira Twigden
Creative Team: Tom Madden and Morgan Hinds-Shorland
OOH/design/art direction/photography

Harvie the mouse (the only inhabitant of the 200-year-old barn when it was converted into a brewery) had been underused and that the hierarchy of messaging had become confused. So retaining the key elements of the branding, we redesigned the bottles and cans, plus stretch the application into new channels, which is now being rolled out across Europe.
Agency: Lucky Generals
Head of Design: Jim Bletas
Design Director: Shakira Twigden
OOH/design/art direction/branding